"His tail drew a third of the stars of heaven and threw them to the earth. And the dragon stood before the woman who was ready to give birth, to devour her Child as soon as it was born." Revelation 12:4
I see Satan in this text living out the rage he experienced when he failed to stop the Messiah, the head crushing seed of "The woman" from making his entrance into the world through her virgin womb. I see Satan in every abortionist ''at the feet of the woman to devour her child!" Each and every Deliverer God sends into the world makes their entrance via the womb. Even GOD came through the womb! Satan continues to live out his frustration and rage and malice through every abortionist against the womb's inhabitants and potential deliverers sent to crush his head.
It is believed that 1/3 of the angelic host rebelled with Satan in their fall and that at one level it is pictured here in Revelation 12. I believe that at another level this text also speaks of a third of humanity being decimated through abortion and Abortifacients.
The Apostle Paul assured the Church at Thessalonica who had been deceived by an early heresy that there was a "secret coming" of the Lord and that they (and even the Apostle Paul, for crying out loud) had all been "Left behind." Sound familiar? Paul prophesied that before the Lord would return a couple of things could be expected. #1. A rebellion! An apostasy and that #2. The man of sin would be revealed "standing in the holy place" in declaration that he is God.
Every time an abortionist invades the holy place of the womb with instruments to rip an Image Bearer of God limb from limb, at some level the man of sin is being revealed "standing in the holy place" in declaration that he is God by usurping the role of God by determining who does and does not live. Every time a person consents to an abortion there is an abomination that makes desolate (Childless)...and it is an echo of the serpents beguiling words You will be ''Like God..."
The modern adherents to this huge deception, this "Secret coming" that has so many evangelicals looking for Christ's coming in all the wrong places, no doubt have held prophecy conferences across the street from abortion Mills, predicting the rebuilding of the temple so the Lord can come again after the man of sin desecrates the holy of holies. They ignore that the Apostle Paul said "Know you not that YOUR BODY IS THE TEMPLE..." No doubt many of the followers of these prophecy conferences at some level have the "abomination that makes desolate" in the holy place of their womb in the form of IUDs or hormonal abortifacient contraceptives.
I believe the fulfillment of "The Rebellion" that Paul predicted, happened over several decades when the church rejected historical teachings of the church by both Protestants AND Catholics that contraception was wicked which led to rampant sexual immorality and "on demand" abortion. Even within the Church!
I was just listening to Dr Janet Smith's talk "Humana Vitae; 50 years Later." She said that for all practical intents and purposes the Catholic Church "Rebelled" against "Humanae Vitae" "On Human Life" (Condemning contraception) which is the Sorcery and demonic power of deception, which is at the very root of abortion. Catholic Seminaries said it would soon be changed, to ignore it and that the Pope was misinformed or ignored his counsel's findings and consensus. In confessionals Priests were instructed to tell people to go according to their conscience when they confessed they were contracepting and not to worry about it. One Priest and Professor said that he was in Seminary when Humane Vitae was released and that instead of being given Humanae Vitae to read, Seminarians were given a statement of dissent to read. Sounds like a "Rebellion" to me!!! Years later he read Humana Vitae and recognized the Holy Spirit was protecting the Church through it but for the most part the Church had rebelled against it.
Dr Smith made some facinating observations in her talk about How God rose up John Paul II who the first emphasis of his pontificate was over a hundred weekly teachings on "The Theology of the Body." His many works on human Sexuality, marriage and the theology of the Body solidified and steered the Church back to her never ceasing and ancient condemnation of contraception and welcoming human Life. His strong emphasis on "The Gospel of Life" has all but silenced the confusion and dessent of the Catholic Church about what the correct teaching of the Church is concerning contraception.
There are many who believe Abortifacients claim as many as 10-12 times more human lives than surgical abortions. That would be almost 500 million human lives snuffed out annually worldwide. That is more than have died in all wars in history combined! ANNUALLY!!! The silent and invisible Appocolypse is NOW and it is all around us.
There is a "Concurrent" Armageddon and the blood runs to the horses bridles.
"For we look not to the things that are seen but to the things that are unseen. For the things that are seen are transient, but the things that are unseen are eternal." 2 Corinthians 4:18
"Behold I will send you Elijah the Prophet before the great and dreadful day of the Lord and he will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children and children to their fathers (I believe this speaks of a restoration of the God centered and fruit bearing family) or I will come and strike the Earth with a curse." Malachi 4
Was John Paul II paving the way for that Prophet or company of Prophets? That Restoration of Human sexuality and family affection? Kingdom Families who live out the Salvation of Jesus Christ as God intended from "The Begining?"