Not too many Homilies cause the congregation to bust out in applause at the end of it like this one. It should be spread far and wide!
The following story is why it is particularly close to my heart!
August 2018 my target goal on my pilgrimage to the mountains was to hear from God and get confirmation I was on the right track with the message that had been burning in my heart about contraception being at the very root of abortion. Or if I was off following a tangent of my own.
I was sick of being, seemingly the only one saying that abortion is merely the low hanging fruit and that contraception and it's anti child mindset (among a few other things) was at the very root of this Holocaust.
I had stood many times in the busiest intersection in Larimer County holding a sign during Church traffic on Sunday mornings while 10s of thousands of Evangelicals and Catholics alike drove by and read my huge sign that said: "FREE RANDY ALCORN BOOKS; Does The Pill Cause Abortions?" Not a single one came back for Alcorn's book.
Considering that most of the evangelicals that read my sign likely have many of Alcorn's books in their libraries I was VERY discouraged to say the least. He has written over 50 books and is a popular Evangelical Author. But nobody is interested in THIS message!
My prayer is that the words of my sign burned indelibly into their minds and for the Holy Spirit to cause them to do their own prayerful research on it.
God's word assures us that every message from Him will have a second word of testimony and witness to confirm it. On my pilgrimage I did considerable chest-beating on God in my tent before going to bed begging God to give me that second word of testimony that I was even on the right track or if I was just wasting time harping on this message. Then I crawled in my sleeping bag. When I woke in the morning I put a Christian song on my phone and crawled out of my sleeping bag, suddenly this Homily started playing instead. I had never even heard of Fr Nolan before.
Needless to say it gave me the confirmation I asked for and gave it more clarity. It also took it deeper and revealed that the priest scandal was what God allowed for judgment on the church for its rebellion against the church's teaching on contraception.
I crawled into my sleeping bag begging God for a confirmation of what I had been spreading and crawled out if my sleeping bag hearing these words from father Daniel's homily:
"The root problem of the church today is not homosexual Bishops but a contracepting laity!
The way we sin is the way we are punished! You want sterile contraceptive Union? You got it! Sterile sexual Bishops! You want to contracept your children out of existence? You got it! And the Bishops are contracepting Souls out of the church by their disgusting homosexuality. Our clergy has turned away millions of converts. And this merely mirrors the example of a contraceptive laity. Contraception between man and wife are what homosexual priests are to the church. Contraception blocks God sending children into the world and contraception blocks Bishops from sending souls into the church.
Father Nolan ends his homily with these words: "May this be our prayer that we turn once again to Him and that He will open heaven and send us Priests and Bishops who will speak to us the truth... not what we want to hear but we NEED to hear. And many a priest and Bishop may be surprised to find what they think the people don't want to hear, or are unable to hear deep down have been begging to hear all along."
With these final words and blessing the congregation explodes into applause!!! 😊❤️