Jennifer is in her 30's and has a genetic difference from most of us. She is diapered and plays with her toys. She is unable to walk or talk. Jennifer always makes a lot of commotion, especially about the time of the consecration. Makes you wonder if she sees or knows things we don't.
This morning before I got up I had the most beautiful meditation (don't know what else to call it. It was so real!) of this beautiful young girl that came up to me in heaven and said "Thank you for all the times you came up and kissed me on the head and said "I love you Jennifer!!!" 😊❤️❤️❤️
Then I pictured the soul of a saint trapped in her body making constant prayers and intercessions for us and all the world. ❤️
It was so real! It just filled my soul with awe and wonder and rejoicing at the Beauty and Mysteries of God!!! Many tears!!!