I have an interior meter that tells me when God is up to something like I'm about to get news from a girl that she has chosen Life or there is some breakthrough that is forthcoming in the spirit realm.
That meter is Satan's rage and Malice. Sometimes it feels like a thousand pound weight.
The meter was pegged out all morning yesterday! When I got home, inside of a half hour, three girls messaged me that I have been reaching out to. Four actually.
Two of them were devastated by their abortions that became quite dear friends to me. Two of these girls have turned girls from abortion in their own sphere of influence in the last several weeks. One of those just started attending church and the other has said she is looking for a church home.
Another post-abortive girl told me about a dream that she had that sounded almost more real than life. She thought she was actually still awake...of an empty tomb and how there was a sense of great peace and Love emanating from it. She said she KNEW that it was the tomb of Jesus and asked me what it meant.
And the other girl chose life recently. She just met with a couple of movers and Shakers in the pro-life Community where she lives that are going to help her with housing, Community resources and a baby shower They are going to connect her with faith filled Down syndrome families they know because she has a toddler with Down Syndrome.
"Thank you! We had a great meeting! Her name is A___ & K___ is trying to help me with a subsidized apartment or something of that nature. I’m definitely open to finding a church home though, it’s been too long!"
I rejoice!!! God is so Good!!! I praise Him!!! 😊❤❤❤
Please remember each of these Precious Souls in your prayers.
Thank you for your powerful prayers!!! I Love you guys!!! ❤