The next signal from God that He was calling me to pro-life activism was much more specific with a specific goal in mind but uncertainty about when and how. It was a couple years after I turned to God in the summer of 2008.
I had a couple of people in the church that I was attending tell me that they believed abortion was morally wrong and a sin…except in the case of rape and incest. “But then abortion should be allowed.” I was new to this whole pro-life thing. I still had not read a pro-life book yet, other than the scriptures.
One day as I was driving down this remote mountain road these people’s words about abortion being acceptable in the case of rape were replaying in my mind. I was deeply troubled by them.
Then God spoke very clearly to my heart and said: “Why haven’t you just asked ME?”
I remember it startled me. “Wow, I haven’t simply asked God.” So I prayed, “Lord what about children who were conceived in rape?” I was totally unprepared for what happened next.
For a lack of how else to describe it, it was like a river of love started flowing through me. A Niagra Falls of love.
An incapacitating LOVE.
I couldn’t drive, I couldn’t do anything but pull over and sob and weep as God revealed not only His great Love for these children but great hurt when they are aborted. I have never experienced anything remotely like this before. I was a mess.
I remember thinking, “What if someone stops and asks if I need any help and see me in this condition? I better start driving!” So I started creeping back home as I recovered.
A few days later God woke me from a sound sleep and it was like He had downloaded the absolute certainty that HE was going to get this message about His great Love for these Children conceived in rape and incest out to “Masses of Un-Churched people!” I had no idea how but I felt like it was going to be a documentary. The emphasis that “HE” was the one to do this was so powerful that it left me wondering if I was going to play a role in this happening at all.
Several years later a guy named Keith Humphrey who used to come and pray at Planned Parenthood asked me why I was so passionate about pro-life. I told him about this experience on the mountain road and that I thought God wanted to do a documentary about it.
He replied, “My son is in film school and he wants to make Christian Documentaries!”
I replied, “I’m making all this money working in the oil field, I will fund it.”
A few weeks later I gave them 40 $100 bills to cover expenses. They hit the road for 40 days and did 40 interviews. Later we discovered God was right about its message going out to masses of un-churched people as it went viral a couple times on SECULAR documentary channels and had almost 5 million views. ;-). It is captioned in 9 languages so far and is on every continent.
Before they hit the road, we prayed inside my fifth-wheel camper to send them off. I remember as I prayed for safety and that God would look after them and make it all come together there were big BIG raindrops on my roof. They were so big that it almost sounded like hail. After prayer, we went outside to see the cloud because it seemed so sunny out. There was only one tiny cloud in the sky many miles away.
I love telling the story of Keith not being convinced the project would be successful. He kept telling me to stop being so optimistic about it because he had tried for 20 years to do something successful for the pro-life cause and nothing ever worked. He is one of these starchy Calvinist types and he would turn beet red from embarrassment every time I would shout “HALLELUJAH” at the top of my lungs. After a couple weeks being on the road seeing God clearly with them every step of the way and opening up doors for interviews and homes and invitations to stay with families all along the way, he started shouting Hallelujah too!!! 😉
If you go to my website scroll down to where it says “Kevin Williams Documentary Producer.” I relate some of this there.