Originally shared on Facebook on August 27, 2014

This is my Precious Friend Jesse Hartman. Several years ago I was working the night shift on an oil drilling Rig. The Directional Driller came up and relieved me to add a little curve to the hole. I kicked back in my stool and a few moments later the Lord gave me a revelation about Downsyndrome that almost floored me. (It may well apply to ALL children with special needs) It jolted me like God had hurled a lightning bolt at me. I covered my face with my hands and kept saying Wow Wow Wow Wow! (The directional Driller probably thought I was off my rocker!) The realization was this. That these Children with Down Syndrome are created exactly as God intended. They completely fulfill their life's purpose and destiny. I believe they have a ticket to heaven. They dont come into this world alone or empty handed. They come bringing precious gifts to impart to those who love them and care for them and protect them and see to their well being. They are sent into this world by God to bless us, to teach us and to help us. To impart to us healing and blessings at such a deep and spiritual level that the devil can't touch them. They are also sent to test us and someday they will be our judges. God doesnt judge Nations on their military or economic might or power but on how they respond to "The least of these." Our nation is failing the test. Almost 95% of these precious Children are searched out for the express purpose of eliminating them! Raw Eugenics!
"There is a generation that has teeth like swords and fangs like knives to devour the afflicted from off the earth and needy from among men." Proverbs 30:14
Just days after this experience at work I was at Church and in the middle of the service during the sermon when no one is up and walking around. Out of three hundred people a little boy who I didnt even know yet came and sat down beside me and then scooted up against me like I was his best friend in the whole world. Little Jesse Hartman. And guess what? He had Downs syndrome! I could almost feel God's finger poking me and the question forming in my mind: "Have I got your attention yet? 😊 I live on his Family's Place now. Jesse is the happiest person Ive ever met. And he makes other people happier than anyone Ive ever met. You can't have a bad day around Little Jesse Hartman You can be having a perfectly good "bad day" and Jesse will come along and RUIN it! LOL! 😊 If you hang out with Jesse a while he will teach you who has the right number of Chromosomes! Our resident Homey with the Extra Chromey! 😊
What I'd like to know is how the Lord disguises the fact that Jesse is really 8 feet tall and has huge beautiful wings!
Jessie came over and hung out with me several days ago. He told me: "I love Jesus. I want to be his Follower." I told him "You already are Jessie."
Visit our website Downsyndrome.love and watch his interview. "Jesse Hartman, Joyful Boy With Down syndrome."