Originally posted on December 29, 2018 via Facebook
I was at the Abortion clinic several years ago calling out to one girl after another going in pleading with them not to abort. They seemed so impervious to my pleas. I fell to my knees and cried out to God "Give me something that will bear more fruit!". Then I had a vision of couples who were looking to adopt all over the country going to abortion clinics themselves calling out that they are approved for adoption and ready to adopt and introducing themselves and begging and pleading for the baby's Life. That they desperately want a baby to fill their aching arms and hearts. That they will give the baby every advantage....
It was so real that I contacted a few pro life friends and excitedly told them about the vision but they just said things like "Wow, that sounds really awesome" and moved on to another subject. Discouraged, I put it on a back burner.
About a week later on New year's Eve (about 12 deg. out) I took a bunch of "Why Pro life" books to give away in Old Town Ft Collins. After about a half hour without a single person taking a book (Normally I can give away one right after another there) I knew I was against a spiritual stronghold. Satan's strongholds always crumble when you persist though so I was anticipating something big and important when it broke.
They were giving horse and buggy rides there. This buggy stopped and a couple got out. The lady saw my pro life sign and was making a B Line toward me. I said "Lord I don't know who she is but here she comes." She walks right up and said "God bless you for doing what your doing. I want to encourage you! We just got here from California. We tried for years to adopt. We finally gave up and just started going to abortion clinics offering to adopt every girl's baby that came to abort. We did and she just gave us a beautiful grand baby..." 😊
None of my pro life friends could confirm or encourage me in the vision so God sent someone all the way from California who could. We have an Awesome and Beautiful and Magnificent God!!!! 😉