Please pray for my friend John Barros in Orlando. He just had a stroke. God has used John to turn more women from abortion there at Orlando Women's Clinic than anyone who has walked this earth. I've been praying for John and his ministry almost daily for years. PLEASE pray fervently for his recovery.
I LOVE this Dear Brother He has these piercing eyes that remind me of an eagle or Elijah the prophet. I wouldn't want to be Ahab or Jezebel looking into those eyes. But John has this heart of Love and compassion. It is palpable. A man of tears and godly sorrow. Over the last few years he has spent six days a week 9 hours a day in the Orlando heat pleading for the lives of children. Some of the clinic workers there even love him. Recently they had a birthday party for him and invited him inside. They often open the clinic doors and assure girls that they can trust him when they choose life. He has multiple saves there almost everyday!"
The abortion clinic owner told John "You are ruining my business!" Next to "Well done my good and faithful servant...'' that is the greatest compliment I've ever heard paid to Someone! 😊💓
Please pray for John. We may not agree on a few things theologically but he Is a great man of God in my book. "You shall know them by their fruits."
Please pray for his complete recovery.