January 10, 2019
A Baby was just saved at the Hood here in Ft Collins!!! ❤❤❤ The couple is living out of their car. He’s looking for a job. Says he’s willing to do “anything.” I’ve got their # and will find out more this afternoon. Pray everything comes together for them. Work…Housing…Baby brought to term and welcomed with arms wide open with Great Love….be raised up to love God and Neighbor… Salvation!
Praise God!!! ❤❤❤
What was really cool about this save is I’ve been praying there would be a save that’s “All Sherri” to reward her faithfulness. Seems most often babies are saved when she’s not there. She talked to the guy earlier. He seemed shifty about it like he was being untruthful. Then Sherri did something she said is uncharacteristic of her and attributes it to the Holy Spirit. She got in his business and told him he needed to be the man God created him to be and do everything he could to get her out of there!
January 11, 2019
Was yesterday a TWO BABY save day???? ❤😊 I got this last night.
From: P____ To: You Subject: Re: I hope this helps Date:1/10/19 08:37PM Message: I want to say thank you. Reading all of this made me very emotional but I was determined to read the entire message which I did … and I really want to thank you for sending it to me. It was like a sign from God and I really appreciate you for reaching out to me ♥️ God bless you
In reply to: On 1/10/19 05:06PM K____wrote: I sense in you a beautiful but overwhelmed heart. I hear in your words, fear and a lot of hormones driving you. The hormones will subside but your beautiful heart will remain. Please be patient. Please don’t let hormones drive you to a rash and harmful decision. If you could fast forward three years you would not even be able to picture your world without your beautiful little princess in it and you would give anything, perhaps your very life if you could turn the clock back to this day, to this moment and you would run away from this termination group and never look back and never have any regrets. In fact, you would celebrate this day for the rest of your life as her and then her children after her hug your neck and say “I love you.” If your heart and conscience are warning you please listen to them. I know many women who said before they aborted that they didn’t feel any misgivings. Then after the abortion they would suffer, sometimes for decades, recurring nightmares, a deep regret, self loathing and mental anguish and suffering. Constant wondering what “Might have been” I sense you are a great mom and only have the best interests of your family in mind but you are considering a very grave choice. Please weigh all your options and the long term of what you are considering. I made this same choice over 40 years ago and I find myself wondering what “Might have been” What she may have looked like. My missing grandchildren and on and on. In these groups Ive seen so many women who have been abandoned and are alone with no man, no family and no resources. You are blessed. Also many men are so dead set against being a real man, taking responsibility and giving their child life.. Seems most men have been emasculated and are deceived by today’s culture. Authentic manhood is forbidding anything that may harm the woman they love and the baby that has been entrusted to them by the Creator. God makes men strong to protect, nurture, guide and love women and children. Ive heard many women after their abortions say “I just wanted him to say not to do it but he said he would support me no matter what I decided. I was so scared and confused. My hormones were raging and I didn’t know what I was doing. Now I resent him and despise and distrust him for not being there to protect me and our baby!” Sweetheart. Please listen to the voice of experience. Here are five messages from girls who messaged me on this site after their abortions and three messages from girls who planned to tx their pregnancy and then changed their minds. Here are their stories first. If you would like more stories from either side I can send you more. Also a few baby pictures mothers (And fathers) have sent me after their babies were born. It seems these babies have even more beauty and even more of “The Brightness” in them than babies who’s lives were not in danger. I think it is God’s way of saying “Hello” Back. I am praying for you sweetheart. 1. “I was horribly torn and upset that whole evening pondering whether…..
This girl may not even be pregnant. That’s why the question marks in the heading. She had an abortion early last month and the pregnancy tests she is taking may be detecting the residual hormones from her previous pregnancy.
But pray for her because she said she felt the message was a sign from God. Pray it opened her eyes the preciousness of Human Life and that she will never make the same mistake again…and if she IS pregnant that she will welcome baby with arms wide open. Pray God draws her by His Spirit and seals her for His Own.
Pray extra for us today. They have a new guard and he is trying to bully us. He isn’t concerned and walks on by when a demonic is shouting obscenities at a sweet 82 year old meek humble Saint but says he will call the cops every time he sees us put anything on Planned Parenthood’s wall. The cops were quite irritated by him. Pray he doesn’t last long here or has a conversion like so many guards in the past. Pray for us to be loving and prayerful and to have patience. Another killing day. Please PRAY!!!
“If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men. Beloved, do not avenge yourselves, but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord. Therefore “If your enemy is hungry, feed him; If he is thirsty, give him a drink; For in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head.”
Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.” Romans 12:18-21