Praise God!!! Another baby will live!!!
Please pray for a 17 year old girl who chose life. ❤😊 I sent her several messages when I found her online last week. Yesterday evening she replied.
Her mother gave her an ultimatum that if she doesn't have an abortion next Friday she is throwing her out.
The closest maternity home I have found is in Great Bend which is 90 miles away. I'm looking for boots on the ground in Ft Wayne. Normally I reach out to the pregnancy centers of course but also the 40 Days for Life coordinators because they are not restrained by client confidentiality and know most all the pro-life hearts and resources in their Community. There isn't a 40 Days for life in Fort Wayne unfortunately. 😔 Right now pregnancy centers are walking on eggshells because of all of the abortion activists that are making deceiving phone calls to them and fabricating bad reviews on them etc. When I call them from halfway across the country they're very guarded on what they say and do. 40 Days for Life coordinators can connect me with pro life individuals that will come along side girls on a personal level, connect them with the pro life community and Churches, arrange baby showers and things like that. So if you know anybody in Fort Wayne, Indiana, please pass the information on to me.
Pray that her mother has a change of heart. Pray Satan be bound, silenced and distanced. Pray that the Lord puts all the right people in our path as we look for resources and people connections for her.
Thank you for your prayers. I love you guys!!!
UPDATE: Your prayers are working. She is excited to be connecting with a pregnancy center. We also located a really awesome maternity home in Ft Wayne. Also a friend has stepped up and started organizing a baby shower even though she lives an hour from Fort Wayne. I am SOOOOOOOO HAPPY!!! PRAISE THE LORD!!!