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Another Baby Saved!

Writer: Kevin WilliamsKevin Williams

HALLELUJAH!!! Praise God!!! Another baby will live!!! šŸ˜Šā¤

I have a friend who is an OBGYN who just last week gave a talk about chemical abortions and how they work and about abortion pill reversal etc. Yesterday she helped me reach out to a girl who was being pressured to have a surgical abortion because the chemical abortion she tried didn't work. She thought she was 5 weeks and she bought the chemical abortion pills online from Mexico. She went to the ER check things out and discovered that the baby was actually 12 weeks and survived. She was reading things online from the other side about how the baby would likely suffer all kinds of adverse effects and brain damage etc. Everyone that she knew was telling her she needed to have an abortion!

"...I decided to go to the ER to check on everything, never told them about the pills I used, they ran blood tests, and did an ultrasound, well turns out the baby was still there and moving, had a steady heart beat, and looked formed! Turns out I was not 5 weeks like I had thought, but 12 weeks and 3 days, I felt terrible how could I have done that to my innocent baby, I hated myself, but somehow was happy to find out it was healthy and growing. Well I am now about to be 15 weeks tomorrow, and everyone is advising me to terminate the pregnancy surgically because of the birth defects, malformations misoprostol causes on the fetus. I'm torn because I love this baby already and will forever regret what I did, but I cant bring a baby into this world to suffer, to not be able to live a normal life, but part of me thinks I wont have the heart to kill a baby who is fully formed already, I dont know if I should go through with the abortion, I put my baby at risk and I feel terrible and heart broken. I'm torn as to what to do šŸ˜”"

I forwarded a message my OBGyn friend composed to her, assuring her that the likelihood of birth defects to the baby at 12 weeks by the misoprostol are very very low because all of the Babyā€™s major systems are formed by 12 weeks. My friend is also a very Saintly woman and they are now connected. I was blown away by not so much the medical advise but the Spiritual advise and encouragement she gave her. Praise God!!! šŸ˜Š I rejoice how God brings circumstances and people together toward Salvation!!! šŸ˜Šā¤

Message: Hi, thank you so much for your words, I feel a bit of more relief, I would just never forgive myself If I bring a baby into this world and he/she has a defect, malformation, I feel terrible thinking it will be my fault the baby will never live a normal life, ive been praying every day, asking God for forgiveness and a healthy baby, I love him/her so much already. I'm only 23 years old and on my 3rd baby, as a single mom I know how hard it will be but my kids are so excited for their baby brother/sister, and even though it will be hard financially, I'm willing to do it. I'm just scared I caused damage to the baby, or scared the babys heart will stop beating because of the attempted abortion.. I do have some questions, if I could possibly talk to your friend it would be amazing, being able to get advice from someone that has experience in that area. Again thank you so much."

Praise God!!! Please pray the Baby will be fine. Pray God rains down provision for this Mommy as she will have a tough row to hoe with 3 kids by herself.

Often times God sends someone into our lives to be our Deliverer, to break our chains and set us free. Often times that person is a Baby. šŸ˜Š Pray that's the case in this instance too. ā¤ Pray she/he will be raised up in the Love and reverence and admonition of our Lord.


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